TURISAS: Pro-Shot Footage Of Entire HELLFEST Concert

June 21, 2011

Professionally filmed video footage of TURISAS' entire June 19, 2011 performance at Hellfest in Clisson, France can be viewed below (courtesy of Arte [Association Relative la Tlvision Europenne], a Franco-German TV network).

"Stand Up And Fight", the new video from Finnish "battle metal" warriors TURISAS, was filmed on February 7 in the California desert with director Iain Sclater. Influenced by the film "Mad Max" and the bands own image, the video is sure to provide a thrilling new look at TURISAS in the band's first-ever U.S.-shot music video.

"Stand Up And Fight" is the title track of TURISAS's third album, which entered the official chart in the band's home country at position No. 5. The CD was released in North America on March 8 via Century Media Records. It was made available in the following formats:

* Limited mediabook with bonus CD (two additional tracks, special acoustic live performance as CD enhancement)
* CD
* Gatefold LP plus the entire album on CD
* Digital download

"'Stand Up And Fight' is a loose continuation of the story from 'The Varangian Way', and picks up where the previous one left us, in Constantinople," explains mainman Mathias Nygrd. "However, it is not a sequel as such. In general, the songs are much more universal and deal with topics that can be placed just as tightly into the modern world as in the 11th century Byzantine Empire. 'Stand Up And Fight' has much more to offer the contemporary listener."

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